A Guide For Beginners - A Silver Voice [Пособие Для Начинающих: Глас Сéребра]


CD Jewel Box (FL 3183-2 COIL) - FEE LEE

Limited Edition 400 copies

Athrough this item is blocked on Discogs, this is an official COIL release.
This is the first of two anthology CD's dedicated to Coil's live performance in Moscow on September 15th, 2001.

This volume features a selection of melancholic and melodic pieces from throughout Coil's career, along with the track 'A Cold Cell'.
The title 'Posobie Dyla Nachinayushchikh - Glas Serebra' means 'A Guide For Beginners: A Silver Voice'.

1. Amethyst Deceivers
2. The Lost Rivers Of London
3. Are You Shivering?
4. Ostia (The Death Of Pasolini)
5. Where Are You?
6. At The Heart Of It All
7. A Cold Cell
8. Batwings (A Limnal Hymn)
9. Who'll Fall?
10. The Dreamer Is Still Asleep

This is rare!
15.00 €
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