Another brilliant collaboration between the Scandinavian sound artists
BJ Nilsen (from Sweden) and Stilluppsteypa (from Iceland), who had blown
us away on their previous duets Vikinga Brennivin and Drykkjuvisur
Ohljodanna and Milan Sandbleistift, the man behind the Licht-Ung label
Milan contribution is a teethgrinding piece of dirty drone wandering
from lonely 8-bit electronic tones like a random piece of gear yanked
from one of the Wolf Eyes' suitcases and allowed to growl in futility
amidst a cloud of hiss and crackle pushed towards a radioactive
And even better is the glacial, grim drones from BJ Nilsen and Stilluppsteypa.
They've long mastered a twisted, rumbling ambience that's dark and
dense, mysterious and haunting, deep and rich, their two sprawling
tracks on this split LP are marvelous additions to their catalogues of
drones that drift across the Arctic Sea on a massive rusted ship between
Sweden and Iceland.
Even if very limited, just few copies was made that way, this was the promo edition
LP comes with an A4 insert plus original photo sticked on the back
A BJNilsen & Stilluppsteypa Sov Gott
B Milan Sandbleistift Oskar Kastanies Sterne Am Tag
Old Europa Cafe AVS
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