Death is sure​.​.​. Are you ready?


Music Cassette () - DEATHBED TAPES

Available in June / July 2024

N. is the Power-Electronic and Death Industrial solo project by Davide Tozzoli.
N. stays for Nihilism / Nothing / No...
In other words: the total VOID OF NOTHING!
Davide's first outputs came on the legendary SLAUGHTER PRODUCTIONS label run by Marco Corbelli (Atrax Morgue)
Historical Italian Industrial P/E project from the first era.

1. An anguishing meditation 04:24
2. Condamned 07:39
3. when the heart beat start 05:26
4. desappear forever 04:20
5. costant restlessness 04:48
6. no one survives 06:15
7. pre-enstablished journey 04:51
8. learn to lose 02:55

12.00 €
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