Music for Rituals
15.00 €
Masterpiece of electronic art with many sound & video files, magic ciber-punk ...
It contains videos, band history, sound files, video excerpts, interviews, press reviews, interactive discography, art galleries, photo gallery, interactive books and interactive art.
1 Hybryds Industria In Belgium (2:59)
2 Hybryds Melkbrigade - VRT (4:39)
3 Hybryds First Live Gig - Fabrik '88, Antwerpen (5:29)
4 Hybryds Live Stubnitz - Stockholm '98 (3:57)
5 Yasnaïa Yasnaïa Live - Stubnitz (2:11)
6 Hybryds Hybryds Live - Stubnitz (4:02)
Old Europa Cafe AVS
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