

CD Digipak (TRIBE 068) - TRIBE TAPES

Released in 1987 into tape.
It served fittingly as a requiem or death rattle to the ZI recording project - not quite a compilation but a repurposing of both familiar and unreleased material, juxtaposed with choral music and stolen dialogue from Tarkovsky.
Includes Side A and B as indexed tracks as well as an extended "Nichts" session.

1.  La Destruction
2.  Lo Specchio
3.  Metamorfosi (I & II)
4.  Les Silences Des La Voix
5.  Modern
6.  Interno
7.  Nichts
8.  Illatio: Introibo Ad Altare-Sanctus
9.  Excerpt From "Stalker" (A.Tarkovskij - 1979)
10.  L'Inizio
11.  Nichts (Long Version)

13.00 €
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