Shutun (Shutûn) (Original Tin-Box Edition)


CD in Screen-Printed Tin-Box (OECD0 89) - OLD EUROPA CAFE

Very last copies!

This album comes in a special and exclusive silk-screened round Tin-Case
Includes round insert printed on Noble-Cardboard

2006 release by the acclaimed German duo TROUM.
And their first full-length release on OEC as TROUM.
This is, as they say, their most complex work to date made mixing 25 different tracks into one unique long (over 50 minutes) composition !
TROUM for this album is collaborating with the female ALL SIDES project which makes this release even more intriguing & it's their first full length album since Tjukurpa 3 dated 2003 ...

Troum (ancient German word for "Dream") aim is to lead the listener into a hypnotizing dream-state of mind, and use music as the direct path to the unconscious pointing to the archaic essence of human psyche !
TROUM works for create alterated states of mind, they work on human unconscious sphere ...
Their post-industrial drone music is created using a wide range of instruments like : guitar, bass, voice, accordion, balalaika, flute, mouth-organ, gong, field recordings & more, to create a sort of transcendental dark & atmospheric ambient industrial .
TROUM doesn’t work with synths, samples or computer soundscapes !
The sounds are created "by hand" . You can feel in this album : mysticism, ancestral power, ancient rites, the nature of your being ... but also a collapsing world, the sounds of a falling universe, the deepest and more far star burning .... as well as the more inner part of yourself moving & pulsing !
A journey through space, body & soul !

This is rare!
22.00 €
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05.11.2007 - Mantenebre

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25.06.2008 - Heathen Harvest

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05.12.2008 - Gothtronic

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Read it on Gothtronic

26.02.2014 - NecroWeb

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