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Recorded September 2011, NYC, Hospital Productions Originally released on
cassette HOS-331 edition of 100 on Hospital Productions 2011.
Reworked for
Functional Organization 2015.
Annihilationist is one of the darkest works in the massive output of Prurient, dark drones and industrial soundscapes and ambient layers.
Examining an archaic
world with tools of today...
For those who like the darkness and ambience of
1 Fallen Shrines 10:33
2 Figures Stand Out From The Background 4:48
3 After-Life Pyre 3:49
4 Personification Of Eternity 10:48
5 Subordinates Erected In Niches 7:35
6 Vines Grow Through Columns Atop Successors Ashes 10:40
7 Emperors Corpse Enclosed In The Plaster Wall 10:26
Old Europa Cafe AVS
kalamun webdesign