For this release Massimo Magrini was Joined by the Italian Cyberzone-Writer Tommaso Lisa !
So the album was recorded using as conceptual reference Tom's "Italian Neuro-Poems" collection REBIS .
Short spoken fragments of the texts are treated and inserted in a sonic structure built
with minimal, strangely sincopated pseudo-rytmhs and sharp pulsing noises.
The effect of those spcken texts is really disqieting, a very severe & obscure release ,
different from all previous Bad Sector albums !
In the background, Bad Sector's trademark chilling micro-melodies completes an upsetting,
allucinated but crude vision of our "Collapsing Civilization" .
Try this album & "Reset" your "Weltanschauung" !
The CD is packed inside a book cover, the book contains Tom's Neo-Futuristic & Cyber-poetry ...
1. Mutua Mutazione 5:14
2. Plumbei Fari 4:44
3. Allineate Autovetture 4:11
4. Viola Vespertino 4:16
5. Fornace Solare 4:22
6. Tracce Polari 4:19
7. Aurei Aerei 4:18
8. Canale Morto 4:51
9. Forme Estinte 4:12
10. Intrichi Angolazioni 3:34
11. Ipermercati Abbaglianti 4:48
12. Meccania Infinita 6:02
Old Europa Cafe AVS
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14.09.2008 - Heathen Harvest
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