10.00 €
IMAPKT is a regressive combination of high speed freestyle junk noise and electronics overload.
No effort has been spared to deliver a fast moving freight train of bricks and porcupines crunching through your walls and/or eardrums.
When the velocity is too high the G-forces will take care of the rest.
Bones will snap like potato chips at a marathon of George A. Romero movies.
Burnout is the first album of this collaboration between Finnish lardmongers MT (Unclean, Stinkfinger) and PD (Kartio, Umpio).
1 Crash At Full Speed
2 Fracture Crescendo
3 Pummeled Against The Ropes
4 Detritus Avalanche
5 Sudden Failure
6 Impakt And Implosion
Old Europa Cafe AVS
kalamun webdesign