Music For An Unprepared Autoharp

KEVIN TOMKINS [Sutcliffe Jugend / Sutcliffe No More]

CD Digipak (gg440) - KLANGGALERIE

KEVIN TOKINS solo album.
KEVIN might be best knownd for being the master-mind behind the UK P/E project SUTCLIFFE JUGEND, now SUTCLIFFE NO MORE; and for being an old member of UK P/E cult project WHITEHOUSE.

The direct-in-your-face approach works very well and is, in that respect, on the same level as his Sutcliffe work, but it works on an entirely different level.
I especially enjoyed the pieces in which he worked with overtones from the autoharp (which is a kind of zither. It uses a series of bars individually configured to mute all strings other than those needed for the intended chord, so says the information), creating a kind of drone music that we dont hear a lot, sharp and loud.
(Vital Weekly, July 2023)

1   Isolation 4:20
2   Pen Tin Box 1:28
3   The Longest Walk 4:24
4   Trail 2:32
5   Rattles And Gentle Swells 2:21
6   Riding An Offal Swing 6:31
7   Quiet 4:10
8   Skin Draft 5:28
9   Bow Street 4am 3:40
10   Bitten 1:52
11   Flat Coping 4:55
12   Eleventh Flaw 1:16
13   Dark Star Rising 1:42
14   Fifth Flaw 1:50
15   Harmonic Wires 6:42
16   Only Birds 2:12
17   Tone Rattles And Swells 4:04
18   When The Carnival Is Over 3:36

14.00 €
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