6.00 €
Split release by two Roman bands.
3 tracks between pop & folk combinig "classic" lyrics & preyers to "classic" sounds & voices, a masterpiece of neo-romanticism & tradition inspired by Ermanno Olmi's Movie :
"Il Mestiere delle Armi".
Devoted to: true values, love, hate, war, betrayal, consciusness of beeing part of humanity.
The value of beeing a man above parts, above good and bad, without conditions, without exclusions ...
Something really special & to be discovered!
Tracklist :
A1 De Profundis
B1 Centro Nevralgico (Merlot Version)
B2 Centro Nevralgico (Profile Remix)
Old Europa Cafe AVS
kalamun webdesign
14.08.2009 - Kronic
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