Incendium #5
5.00 €
Essential compilation to understand the Post- Industrial Spanish scene in year 2011.
12 exclusive tracks.
1 Moloch 11811 - Blut Für Baal-Zebub 3:57
2 Jazznoize - Derribos Santander 4:32
3 Stahlfabrik - A Palo Limpio 4:11
4 Gradual Hate - Panopticon 4:42
5 N-urss - Soyuz 3:00
6 Oscuridad Macabra - Empty Sarcophagus...(in underground crypts version) 5:16
7 ERG - Bellum omnia contra omnes 3:50
8 MyNationShit - 13 5:22
9 Transmissions From The Cryp - Sociedad Ilimitada 3:35
10 Uanamani - Mictlan 3:49
11 Sillme - Bios 3:25
12 The Wyrm - Crisis sitémica 6:45
Old Europa Cafe AVS
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