Anatomo-Pathology of an Aborted Civilization
13.00 €
"La Calde Estate Nera" translates on English into "The Hot Black Summer" and is a collaborative album by N. (Davide Tozzoli) and SATANISMO CALIBRO 9.
Two primer Italian and OEC projects dealing with Analog-Industrial and Black-Ambient.
The sounds on this release are very sharp and well defined like a cristal blade.
High-quality anlog Industrial, no voices, no frills, a pure orgy of disecting sounds.
1 - Nella Casa dell'Impiccato
2 - Distorsioni Percettive
3 - L'Odore della Ruggine
4 - La Polvere e il Sudore
5 - Le Lame negli Occhi
6 - L'Inevitabilità del Sangue
7 - La Calda Estate Nera
Old Europa Cafe AVS
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