Cunt Animal
13.00 €
Pakkosyöttö is a welcomed repress as it is a masterpiece of sheer brutality.
Pakkosyöttö has those moments that might be something people would like to skip, and just go into good noise, but artists intention was that album is listened without skippin any unpleasant tracks.
Therefore reissue was made in way skipping is not posssible.
SImply 2 long tracks, one per CD...
Emphasis is more on the murky and filthy atmosphere.
As dirty as only BU can be, violent noise from Finland!
1-1 Levels/Jälkiehkäisyä Vasaralla/WCOAHC/NK/Amputaatio/3 Valkoista Roskahuoraa 49:46
2-1 Valkoinen Roskahuora/Pakkosyöttö/PSS 49:46
Old Europa Cafe AVS
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