Subklinikal Leukotomy Aphrenia Spasmophilik Lyssophobo Asphyxia Sinister Lethal Anorex (Violet Vinyl)



Special limited edition on VIOLET VINYL

Korpses Katatonik's first release was on the legendary Nekrophile Rekords owned by Zoe DeWItt.
Titles on the album were: shatok, schmertzlabor, enzephallik mortuor, nekom, kcok transzlant, kaltfleisch corporor, skarzisko, okzipital slash...
The terminology of psychopathological disorders was used by Korpses Katatonik in a subversive way for its own poetic value and many of the rare vocals and track titles were taken from writings of patients of Viennas famous psychiatrist hospital in Maria Gugging (dissolved in 2007).
The title skarzisko refers to a national socialist concentration camp in the polish town Skarżysko-Kamienna.

The upcoming influence of occultism within the postindustrial underground of the 1980s is finally reflected in the last track of Korpses Katatonik, Choronzon, which was published on the Nekrophile cassette compilation The Beast 666.
This track, which refers to a ritual performed by Aleister Crowley and Victor Neuburg in Sahara desert in 1909, anticipates the strong occult implications of Zoe DeWitt's musical follow-up project Zero Kama.

Recorded in 1982 by Michael Zoe Dewitt (synth, guitar, voice, tape loops) and mixed at the Institute for Composition and Electroacoustics at the University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna (Wiener Konzerthaus studios).
Remastered by Zoe Dewitt in 2022.

“Millions of dead humanoids walking your streets, remote-controlled Cadaver. The functions of the body, which are considered the highest definition of life, are nothing more than a sign that the totalitarian systems of political control are working as usual. In fact, Death, your own essence of the progress of civilization, came the moment you accepted your terms. Poison injections and 1800-volt circuit, as well as three isolation cell torture chambers are waiting for you if you don't want to. For the glory of Masz Murders and Terror Liaisonz, there can be nothing but bones and skulls. Burnt holes of the psyche and dezpar.
In the same way that Corpus Sosial conceives Death, psychic and physical Disorder from the public consciousness, it itself is nothing but the unification of all this. And since the main characteristic of his propaganda bloc is to say the exact opposite of what he really represents, and to use Death, the last argument of all oppression, as an extensive lever, the most effective methods of the operation of expelling the stick will be equally with inverted strategies for choosing the current reality and gathering information to create artificial Malfunctions, as well as to use and fight off Death, multiplying its signs in order to increase the semantic value as an offensive counter-propaganda event. A reverse policy cannot and will not be a policy. Offensive subversion is not so much the destruction of the leading organizations as the actual ignoring of them by organizing one's own body. It's a reversal of your dictated reward/punishment law."
(DEATH MEKANIKS / OFFENSIVE SUBVERSION, Nekrophile Records Dokument 01, 1983 05 23)

A1  Shatok 4:02
A2  Schmertzlabor 3:18
A3  Enzephallik Mortuor 4:55
A4  Nekom 6:15
A5  Kcok Transzplant 5:53
B1  Kaltfleisch Corporor 16:03
B2  Skarzisko 4:06
B3  Okzipital Slash 4:55

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