Naegleria Fowlery
6.00 €
LURK is a side-project of MOLIEBKA PVLSE.
Furking contains 5 tracks that were released on tape in mid-90s plus two tracks recorded in 2006.
Improvised in the studio with little or no overdubs, Lurk is definitely more Industrial than Moljebka Pvlse - noisy and somewhat rhythmic.
1 Fitar Algo #3 5:38
2 Fitar Algo #2 7:01
3 ...And There Was Noise 8:35
4 Fitar Algo #1 9:57
5 Nao Me Importo O Ruido 13:56
6 Abacaxi 6:04
7 Furking 7:03
Old Europa Cafe AVS
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