Template 23 Mixes
9.00 €
The driving percussion of Rapoon (Robin Storey, ex-Zoviet France) is woven perfectly with the light, introspective drifts of Birds Of Tin.
“Monomyth” manages to sound both tribal and futuristic all at once.
A flight over haunted, surreal byways, drifting ambient landscapes, the joining point of all spiritual elements and ideas.
This record is what all collaborations try to achieve: the best techniques of two artists, melded into something beyond either.
1. Gravida (7:49)
2. Holla's Fountain (11:12)
3. A Frequent Returning (5:39)
4. Lost, Probably (6:52)
5. Fetch (15:10)
6. Multiform (4:40)
7. Cast The First Stone (16:50)
Old Europa Cafe AVS
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